Seek out moments of tranquility in the city you love with Sit in the City meditation game cards. The deck's 48 cards combine for 540 unique experiences, making it the perfect gift for anyone up for a real local LA-insider adventure. Yourself included!

Sit in the City: LA
A mall parking deck with 360° Los Angeles city views? An abandoned urban zoo in Griffith Park? A rooftop-garden labyrinth in Downtown LA? Oh, the places you'll go as you travel through SITC: LA meditation game cards. Each of the 18 SIT cards give you simple instructions for different mindfulness practices. SPOT cards feature 30 insider-LA locations curated for their ability to surprise and delight, as well as their sit-ability. If you're up for a journey of self-discovery and adventuring along the way, this sit's for you!

Sit in the City is designed for anyone willing to pause, take a breath, and be open to the experience. This includes first-time meditators to seasoned sitters. Ready? Set? Let’s sit.