5 Ways to Accentuate the Positive On Positive Thinking Day
WITH ALL THAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY, it can be easy to get caught up in the negative like marine life in a fishing net (case in point).
So, in honor of Positive Thinking Day 2023, we thought it would be nice to share places where positivity is the heart of the conversation. Because, despite what the media will have you believe, there really is a lot of good going on in the world. The trick is to find it and focus on it. Here are some of our favorites:
GOODBYE, CNN. HELLO, GNN! Every day, the Good News Network shares feel-good articles contributing to it's already robust library of more than 21,000 positive news stories. There's even more good news: including the GNN app, weekly podcasts, a newsletter, and a book, “And Now, The Good News: 20 Years of Inspiring News Stories." Tune in. Light up!

NEWS THAT INSPIRES Nipun Mehta started sending friends inspirational quotes when he was in college, and that grew into DailyGood, a newsletter with more than 100,000 subscribers and a website that covers positivity in the context of things like Generosity, Everyday Heroes, Work, Mind & Body, and Business. He has since been honored as an “unsung hero of compassion" by the Dalai Lama and is worth a Google if you're ready to go down the good-rabbit hole!
SOME GOOD NEWS As if we needed another reason to love John Krasinski—and his daughter, Hazel—who created this positively bright logo... Tune into SGN, a YouTube channel with more than 2 million subscribers and a mission to share feel-good stories with those of us aching for a dose of positivity. Sign me up!
The Optimist Daily is a reader-funded project that publishes positive stories and refers to itself as “An island of optimism in a sea of negative news.” It’s mission is equally inspiring: to create a shift in global consciousness through a positive outlook and daily solutions.
Have a positively positive day!